
Webinar: Catalyzing Conversations for Coherence


As communities work to recover from the pandemic and accelerate students to both college and career success, the new state investments in Golden State Pathways and Dual Enrollment offer the opportunity to create educational experiences that are more aligned, connected, and supportive than ever.

Designing Pathways with Community Partners


In this webinar, we’ll explore how to design pathways that span high school and college—and prepare students for both college and career. Practitioners will share examples of how they’ve engaged employers and community-based organizations to support students more effectively.

Embedded Student Supports


High expectations coupled with robust student supports are markers of quality dual enrollment. Join this Career Ladders Project webinar to hear from practitioners about how they embed supports for students in both their programs and the classes themselves for more equitable student success.

Launching Linked Learning: Shaping Students’ Experiences


Are you part of a school system implementing Linked Learning districtwide? Or are you just beginning to explore the power of combining college and career learning? This three-part professional learning series is designed for pathway teams and individuals who are new to Linked Learning.