A serious imperative,
a golden opportunity

As our communities work to recover from the pandemic, student engagement is suffering at all levels of education. Chronic absenteeism in K–12 schools is skyrocketing. Enrollment in California colleges declined significantly during the pandemic and has yet to fully recover. Existing inequities are deepening, further distancing young people from the opportunities they need and deserve to succeed in college, career, and life.
But there is hope—a golden opportunity, made possible by fresh perspectives, growing interest, and new resources: The Golden State Pathways and dual enrollment program is a $700 million investment in college and career readiness for students across the California. The program makes new competitive grants available to support college and career readiness in high schools across the state.
Fast Forward California is working with local education agencies and other critical partners to ensure these dollars deliver: for more coherent learning and workforce systems, increased college completion, more young people on a path to meaningful credentials and employment, and equitable outcomes that will benefit generations to come.
Learn more about the funding opportunities