Fast Forward California is co-led by three organizations with more than a decade of experience accelerating students on the path to college and career success—and a history of collaboration with one another and across the field.
We are building on our networks and areas of expertise to bring the promise of Golden State Pathways and dual enrollment to life for California communities.
Leading College and Career Pathway Success For 15+ Years
The Linked Learning Alliance leads a movement to connect all youth to college, career, and purpose. We partner with education systems to accelerate the adoption of high-quality Linked Learning educational pathways that engage adolescents, strengthen workforce readiness, and advance equity and economic justice. Our actions drive rigor and improvement in the Linked Learning practice, research that establishes evidence and informs learning, communications that enhance public understanding and center the voices of students and educators, and the supportive policy and resources required for success.
The Alliance is co-leading strategic communications and K–12 technical assistance and engagement for Fast Forward California.
Leveraging Dual Enrollment for Equitable College Completion
Career Ladders Project promotes equity-minded community college redesign. We collaborate with colleges and their partners to discover, develop, and disseminate effective practices. Our policy work, research, and direct efforts with colleges lead to system change—and enable more students to attain certificates, degrees, transfers, and career advancement.
Career Ladders Project is leading postsecondary engagement, alignment, and support for Fast Forward California.
Closing Opportunity Gaps Toward Educational Justice
EdTrust-West is committed to advancing policies and practices to dismantle the racial and economic barriers embedded in the California education system. Through our research and advocacy, EdTrust-West improves racial equity in education, engages diverse communities dedicated to education equity and justice, and increases political and public will to build an education system where students of color and multilingual learners, especially those experiencing poverty, will thrive.
EdTrust-West is leading advocacy and community partner engagement as well as co-leading strategic communications for Fast Forward California.